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College Tag

Are There Any Jobs Left?

By Connie Hoi, Intern As a senior in college, I’m starting to wonder if there are any jobs left. Competition is tough with more and more graduates and less job opportunities made available. Many people choose to sit at home and apply for hundreds of jobs

The New York City Intern Life

By Katie Harty, Intern Thousands of college kids flock to the big city for the summer to get a chance to play a part of the corporate world by being an intern.  Twenty-something-year olds come from all over the world and file into vacant dorm rooms,

What’s Next for Facebook?

By Nicole Santos, Intern Gone are the days when logging onto Facebook was simply a leisure activity, maybe out of boredom, or maybe during down time. Now, logging onto Facebook isn’t even a question anymore. It’s part of daily lifestyle. Scrolling through your news feed is

Reality… And why it bites.

By Christina Roman, Intern So you've graduated college and are looking for a job, but your degree is not for your intended dream position. What do you do? I figured for my first blog post as an intern here at Fusion Public Relations I would discuss the shortcomings

Is LinkedIn Preventing Students from Gaining Employment?

By Tim DaGiau, Intern The uncertainty of how to attain a job now tends to be the dark cloud looming over many recent college graduates’ heads, but with a constantly and rapidly evolving online approach to applying, what is the most efficient method to pursue? For