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It’s just not fun getting your emails ignored

Picture this scene: You’re a journalist who gets 300-600 email pitches a day, each one with an eager PR professional on the other side of the cyber wall waiting (possibly desperately waiting) for your response. There is clearly no way that you can open all

Pulling People in with Attention-grabbing Headlines

By: Bob Geller, SVP Fusion PR (@rgeller)I wrote earlier this week about the importance of being able to grab attention with concise, punchy writing (Crafting Headlines that Pop).Whether someone is looking through their e-mail inbox, headlines in their news reader, or scouring search engine results,

The Crowdsourcing Phenomenon

By: Chris Michaels, Sr. Account Manager, Fusion PRA few weeks ago, I was going through my HARO distribution, and came across a unique opportunity to submit a client for a story in a highly-respected small-business and VC publication. The reporter asked people

Pitching the Big Wigs: What to say in your 7 seconds

By: Talia Andrews, Sr. Account Manager, Fusion PRAh…building relationships with the big guys… a task that every PR professional has been intimidated by at some point in their career. Will you get hung up on? Yes. Will you get insulted? That depends…but most likely. Will

The Driver’s Ed of PR

By: Janet Park, Account Executive, Fusion PR Most PR professionals have learned basic PR 101 skills and is constantly schooled on How Not to Pitch a Reporter, but many of us still seem to make the same mistakes. A recent Gawker