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Clean Up, Clean Up, Everybody, Everywhere!

By Rachael Barthelmes, Intern We often hear stories of a friend of a friend not being accepted into his or her college of choice or not getting the job he or she wanted because of inappropriate Facebook photos, but we think these things only happen to

Facebook’s Fall from Grace

By Rachael Barthelmes, Intern Privacy has always been one of Facebook’s largest issues, and most recently Facebook’s ‘Sponsored Stories’ feature has spawned a nasty and expensive lawsuit. ‘Sponsored Stories,’ described by Mark Zuckerberg as the ‘Holy Grail’ of advertising, is a feature that transmits users’ interactions

Information Overload and the Private Realm

By Arieh Levi, Intern Before I start my first blog post, I believe some introductions are in order. Hi! My name is Arieh Levi. I am currently a senior at the SAR High School in Riverdale. I am interning at Fusion PR for my Senior Exploration, which

Your Brand: Facebook – To Be Public or Private?

By Suzanne McGee, Director, (@mcgeepr) As you start looking for that summer internship or getting closer to graduation and the job quest, are you thinking about your online brand? Prospective employers will want to learn more about you and how you present yourself. If your job has