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Should you Pay to Play? Advice from Our Team

They come in various flavors. The too-good-to-be-true TV spot. The “Pssst I can get you into XXXX, guaranteed, just pay me $YYYY.” The endless procession of awards and articles with price tags attached. Many PR people reflexively dismiss these and spend a lot

PR, the Last Bastion of Truth

Pixabay As we enter a new decade, I implore PR to do its part in protecting the journalistic info supply chain. Be truth-tellers. Be great fact-checkers. Now wait a second, I can hear you protest.  That is not our job. We are paid to put the best possible spin

Overcoming Startup PR Challenges (O’Dwyer’s Piece)

Pixabay Some may assume that those who work in technology PR have similar gigs - but the assignments can vary substantially. First, almost every company is a tech company today, right?  So just adding "technology" to PR does not shed much light. Job requirements for those

He fired me and Launched my Career in Tech PR

People sometimes wonder how I started out in engineering and wound up in PR.  Something that happened recently really made an impression and brought my career journey full circle, 35 years later.  Read on to learn more, and I hope you enjoy the story! Geeking out

Webinar: Scoring Great PR for you Blockchain Venture

You Don't Need a CMO invited us to host a seminar earlier this month about PR tips for blockchain initiatives. The recorded session, called Thinking Out of the Block ran on YouTube and is also share above in this post. Chris Nicholas of the

Thinking Outside the Block

Looking to launch or grow a blockchain venture?  What are the secrets to success? It’s a noisy world and a never-ending battle for the consumer’s attention.  If the average user is slammed with info and updates, just think about journalists!  They’re an especially tough crowd to

How does a Hack Differ from other PR Crises?

Fusion PR works extensively in the cyber security space.  We are often asked about how to handle the PR fallout from breaches. What are the similarities and differences with other kinds of crisis management? I decided to answer these questions in this post, with input from our

Fusion CEO on the The No CMO Podcast

"The No CMO" Host and producer Ryan Sullivan had a far-ranging interview with Fusion PR CEO Jordan Chanofsky about PR and branding, with a special focus on blockchain and cryptocurrency offerings.

Cheap Trick: Great Band, Lousy B2B Growth Strategy

It's tough to launch and grow a successful business, and tempting to look for shortcuts. And why not? We've all heard about the magical growth hacks; the campaigns that went viral, the PR home runs that crashed servers and exploded phones. So, when B2BNXT said they wanted