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My Take on the Fake News Debate

I attended the Daily News Innovation Lab's session: Proposition: We can Solve the Fake News Problem. It featured an Oxford-style debate on whether there's a solution to the fake news problem. Some very smart people from the worlds of media, business, and technology made great arguments

Cutting through Fake News Noise and Confusion

I attended the Internet Society's "Content Rules?!" session the other week. The panel drilled down on what we now call The Fake News problem (I couch it like this because, as you'll see it's not a new one), defining it and exploring causes and solutions. There's

Enterprise Design Tips and Resources, via NYETM

I enjoyed the NY Enterprise Tech Meetup last week. In addition to two great demos, the event featured a panel that discussed UI design. It is a topic that intrigues me.  Fusion PR has represented a number of providers of tech that improve user experience. It's

Crowdsourcing Advice on PR Dashboards

A client asked recently for our recommendations in PR dashboards. We are techies here at Fusion PR, and generally pretty smart about PR and marketing tech. So I thought this would be easy. But, as I learned, the tools that I was familiar with did

AdTech NY 2016 Wrap

I attended AdTech last week, which featured a great lineup of keynotes and panels and over 100 vendors. It seems like there's never enough time at big shows to check out everything (Fusion PR is one stop away on the 7 subway line, too close to keep

Buzzword Bakeoff – Which are the Most Hyped Tech Terms?

Although we use lots of buzzwords in the tech industry, we don't often consider how and why. My story in MarketingProfs examines their importance and role. It drills down on Big Data and compares related hype to other buzzed-about topics, like IoT and Virtual Reality. Is

Hannah and Her Sister Disrupt PR with Babbler

We started getting calls and emails from an interesting French startup called Babbler a couple of months ago. I agreed to meet with CEO Hannah Oiknine to learn more, as we like to be on top of the latest developments  here at Fusion PR. She explained

Raising Seed Capital: Top Tips from NYETM

There is another great NY Enterprise Tech meet up tonight, on recruiting tech talent for startups.  Clearly I am late in blogging about February’s, which was about how to raise seed capital – so I am taking care of that now, with this post. The topic