By Gabby Cox, Intern (@omgitsgabz)
I’ve had the pleasure of interning at the Fusion LA office for about two weeks. In a short amount of time, I’ve already been introduced to the power of social media in a way I have never seen before.
I write on
By: Ben Baruch, SAE, Fusion PR 1 Billion-Dollars… Yes, 1 billion-dollars is the valuation given to the business/professional social-networking Web site LinkedIn, according to a posting by Caroline McCarthy of The Social Blog at CNET and a story on TechCrunch
By: Michael Lane, SVP, Fusion PR I’ve been reading Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Thrive and Others Die, by brothers Chip and Dan Heath. Part history lesson, part anthropological study, part how-to guide, ‘Stick’ explores the ins