Is it possible for marketing to improve a school’s ranking? This seems unlikely. But working with Fusion, Crummer School of Business at Rollins College gained the kind of exposure that would make any Silicon Valley startup envious. During a nearly seven-year tenure leading the school’s marketing, Fusion achieved articles most of which were covered in national publications like Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Forbes, Bloomberg Business Week, Huffington Post, Financial Times and ABC. Many of these were in-depth features. The program created unparalleled thought leadership for a school that had lacked much national attention until then. Leveraging the knowledge of professors and student stories, Fusion gave a face to Rollins and fostered a national reputation for quality and value. In addition to an increase in coverage, the school also saw tremendous success with business school rankings. The biggest success for Crummer was when Bloomberg Businessweek ranked the program #1 in Florida, 9th in the Nation – up from 44th several years prior.
January 10, 2017
Colleges, Digital Lifestye, Education, Higher Education, MBA