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Fusion Blog

Saul Marquez on Building Brand with a CEO Podcast

Have you ever considered launching a CEO or executive podcast but don't know where to start? It's really not that hard, doesn't have to cost much - and you can earn real ROI without having to build a vast audience, according to our guest Saul Marquez, CEO

Interviews that Went off the Rails in 2023

The PR, Done and Doner podcast panel had fun watching and discussing famous video interview flameouts of 2023. It was a wild ride, and nice follow-up to my post about one-hit blunders, i.e. high profile figures who were felled by a single bad story

It’s Not Just “Over There”

Jordan Chanofsky, CEO In these difficult times, we want to express our horror over the atrocities Hamas unleashed on Israel and express our hopes to see a time of lasting peace and prosperity as quickly as possible. The war in the Middle East affects every one of