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Four Big Ideas that Can Transform Your PR

They huddle around a conference room table. The lights go dark. The 35 mm slide projector floods the screen. It's backlight shines an eerie glow on the presenter's lower face. This is not just some an ad man (or woman). It's the sermon from the

Advertising Taking over Social Media

By Connie Hoi, Intern Advertisers are one of the biggest hunters for new locations for placing ads. They usually go for placements where people can see and admire their products. Traditional methods like billboards and reading material have become sparse because of minimal space and the

Facebook’s Fall from Grace

By Rachael Barthelmes, Intern Privacy has always been one of Facebook’s largest issues, and most recently Facebook’s ‘Sponsored Stories’ feature has spawned a nasty and expensive lawsuit. ‘Sponsored Stories,’ described by Mark Zuckerberg as the ‘Holy Grail’ of advertising, is a feature that transmits users’ interactions

What’s the difference?

When I tell people what my major and minor are, they look at me, look at the ground, and back at me. Then ask, “Well, what’s the difference?”


By: Justin Finnegan, Senior Account Manager, Fusion PR (@justinfinnegan)Joel Johnson at Boing Boing Gadgets, posted a first-person look at the divide of online vs. print at Wired. Johnson was one of the architects of WIRED's current blog program, which at times saw its lead bloggers

List Mania – Just Can’t Stop Reading ‘Em!

By, Suzanne McGee, Account Director, Fusion PRI’m a list junkie at the end of every year. I can’t stop reading people’s Best Of Lists along with their favorite bombs. It’s interesting to get an annual perspective on trends, successes, failures and points of interest. Each