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What’s Black and White and Read All Over?

What’s Black and White and Read All Over?

By: Kate Scarpa, Account Executive, Fusion PR

Apparently any updates that are 140 characters or less. After reading that Twitter is well on its way to surpassing the NY Times Web site in unique visitors per month, it made me think…what do people really care about these days?

Approximately 14,031,985 people (compared to the Times 16,674,238 visitors) care about the quick tweets, flashes of news, thoughts that at one time – back in March 2006 before Twitter –  were, well, seemingly unimportant and frankly, kinda boring. But now, we live in a post-tweeting world and with this new era, the word news takes on a whole new meaning.

Granted, there are definitely benefits of catching the Twitter bug, especially in PR. How else could we find out that Advertising Week’s Brian Morrissey (@bmorrissey) thinks that luxury strollers are the weapon of choice on the Upper West Side

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