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Dead Mobility

Dead Mobility

By: Ben Baruch, SAE, Fusion PR

As a neophyte iPhone user, I am just beginning to understand ‘the world at your fingertips mentality,’ by spending minutes a day using the Safari Web browser. However, prior to this experience, I never once used the Internet via my mobile device.

ReadWriteWeb’s Marshall Kirkpatrick in, ‘Is the Mobile Web Dead?,’ writes, Russell Beattie, CEO of Mowser, is calling ‘it quits.’ Beattie said, ‘Two years ago I was convinced that the mobile Web would continue to evolve in the West to mimic what was happening in countries like Japan and Korea, but it hasn’t happened, and now I’m sure it isn’t going to.’

Generally, I agree with Kirkpatrick by taking the middle of the road.

I like mobile friendly web pages and use them often. I love Netvibes Mobile, I check Techmeme Mini throughout the day and always smile when clicking through a ZDNet post that I can read via Alex King’s WordPress Mobile plug-in… Apparently I’m unusual in those feelings, though. Or at least unusual enough to make up an insignificant market.

I do enjoy using the iPhone, and now understand how having full Web access via a mobile device expands/enhances ones technological reach and capabilities when you’re on the fly and not grounded by hardware.

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