Coming to a Close
By Dave Eisele, Intern
First off, I realized that I only have three weeks left here at Fusion! Woo-hoo!
Now, I’m not rejoicing because my time here is coming to a close. I’m mostly excited because I’m graduating in December and I’m ready to (hopefully) move on to bigger and better things (although, I’m not sure if the current economy will permit it). I am a little bummed because I’ve had a blast here at Fusion and in New York (but I am excited to be moving away from cockroaches).
Last week, Jordan C. (Fusion’s CEO) assembled the team into the conference room, to share and discuss what we’re doing, the company as a whole and how the economy is making everything more difficult.
I learned that wherever you end up working and no matter what you’re doing, if you’re not actively trying to improve your business plan, strategies, etc., you’ll fail. It’s a simple principle, but one that is easily overlooked and forgotten. The meeting was great. I really enjoyed catching a small glimpse into how a PR agency is effectively managed and run.
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