Together Everyone Achieves More… TEAM!
By Kemba Francis, Intern
I used to wonder to myself why I was in college and the professor kept putting us into teams and encouraging us to do group work. I thought I was over that stage already. Never did I realize that team work is actually a fundamental part for most businesses. Everyone at Fusion is part of a team. Each team has their designated clients that they cater to on a daily basis.
This week I attended a team meeting. The purpose of being in a team is being able to share opinions with each other. You can’t always do everything on your own. There’s always something someone else sees that you may not. Individually, everyone here has their tasks that they complete throughout the day, but there are occasions when someone else’s input could be beneficial.
Being able to be in a team and share your ideas with others increases your communication skills. Even though your coworkers might be the people you see and talk to everyday, your communication skills are still being exercised when you try to get your points across. Effective communication skills lead to building better and stronger relationships.
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