Minimizing the Footprint
By Giles Taylor, Intern (@gilescatherine)
A quick fact about me: I studied abroad in South Korea for a semester during my junior year of college. Now every time I see something about South Korea in the news, I have to read it and I am so glad I read this one.
This is why I think Koreans are so amazing: “South Korea unveils ‘recharging road’ for eco-friendly buses.” This is an article written by Agence France-Presse, posted on The article explains that, “The Online Electric Vehicle (OLEV), towing three buses, went into service at an amusement park in southern Seoul.” If this proves to be successful at the park, there are plans to implement it in the city center.
The article goes on to explain that the bus would require a very small battery, one that is one fifth the size of the battery needed in a conventional electric vehicle. Also, by embedding the electric strips underground, there won’t be unsightly wires overhead.
Due to my time in Seoul, I know that public transportation there is huge and buses are used just as much as the subway, if not more. Also, Seoul is a huge city and there is no avoidance of using above and below ground transportation. I think that this is a great way for such a large city to slim down their carbon-footprint.
Seoul is stepping in line with other cities who are trying to minimize their carbon-footprints with electrical buses. However, this seems to be a much bigger step in the right direction. I believe that all green efforts are great and definitely not wasted or over looked.
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