Netflix v. Blockbuster: Don’t Call it a Comeback
By Alexandra Lue, Intern
Do you remember using dial-up internet and having to wait several minutes until you could surf the web? And do you remember the frustration you would have when you got kicked off of America Online, and had to sign in again. Technology is constantly changing, and consumers are demanding everything to be instant. We are not patient enough to wait more than a few seconds for a web page to load before we are hitting the refresh button.
I saw a Blockbuster commercial last night that might give Netflix a run for their money. I love watching movies, but I don’t always have the time to go to the theater, so Netflix is great for me. I can stream movies instantly from my Nintendo Wii and I also have a queue of newer release DVDs to be sent to my home. You can receive anywhere from one to eight DVDs at a time, depending on the monthly rate you pay. Watch the movie and keep it as long as you want; drop it in the mailbox and two days later your next movie arrives. I thought this was the answer to all my prayers. Between Netflix and Red Box, where you can rent a movie overnight for only a dollar, Blockbuster became a thing of the past.
Blockbuster is now advertising a similar delivery service, but with improvements. They receive new release movies 28 days before Netflix. You can have an unlimited amount of movies and video games (Netflix does not have videogames). And you have the option to go to a Blockbuster location to switch your rental, instead of waiting two days. Blockbuster also offers the on demand streaming option like Netflix.
For an impatient person like myself, I would love get receive new releases a month in advance. The pricing is still competitive-Blockbuster is more expensive, so I won’t give up on Netflix yet, but Netflix needs to make their next strategic move before they become that dial-up connection.
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