December 21, 2011
PR, Uncategorized
Fusion LA Wins in Nasty East Coast vs. West Coast Rumble over Sweaters
PR can be a genteel field but the going got pretty nasty today in a fiercely contested decision over the results of an Ugly Sweater competition, and East Coast vs. West Coat bragging rights.
The fur was flying, tinsel streaming and air thick with glitter as the two sides went at it. True, no noses were bloodied – but that is mostly because the teams are on two separate coasts, remember. There may have been some minor sniffling from allergies due to the dust and wool sweaters.
The dispute ended in Gabby of Fusion LA retaining her crown and prize for the Best Ugly Christmas Sweater; well I don’t think we have heard the final word here.
Signed East Coast Blogger
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