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How to know which internship is right for you

How to know which internship is right for you


By Erica Gossett (Intern)

Picking the right internship can be difficult, especially if you are unsure of what type of setting you see yourself in. Do you see yourself in a big company or being part of a small company? If you’re a college student looking for an internship, it’s important to look for one to benefit you in the future. Obtaining an internship before you graduate is becoming a vital step in the college journey, one that could greatly impact how quickly you get a job out of college.

Bloomberg Businessweek reports that internships are the best way for companies to recruit new employees. Top companies use their internship programs to scout 90% of their new college hires. Thus, what’s starting out as a non-paid, for-credit internship could blossom into a full-time job! Fusion often hires its interns to come back and work for the company full-time. It happens all the time!

It is important to do research on the company inside and out to ensure it will be a good environment for you. If an employer gets back to you about setting up an interview, make sure to ask questions about the hours, where you will be working and if college credit is available. It is important to ask what you will be learning and what you will be doing during your time there. Just as much as you want the internship to be meaningful for you, you need to make sure that what the company wants out of their intern is in line with your goals.

Internships are useful to build connections with employers because they can give you strong recommendations when seeking a job. Working in an office environment can also show you how you to prepare your skills for the future, and how to work with coworkers. Additionally, having an internship is a great hands-on experience to build upon the skills outside of what you’ve learned in classes. Finally, having an internship gives you the opportunity to put your skills to the test and show people what you can bring to the table.

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