The Different Fields of PR
By John Tateossian, Intern
Growing up, I did not ever think about going into Public Relations. In fact, it wasn’t until late into my high school career that I even found out what it is PR professionals do. Even to this day, I am learning more and more about the field. Having been first introduced to the communications industry in high school, I originally wanted to be a photojournalist or videographer. I had a strong liking for recording movies and taking pictures. My advisor suggested majoring in photojournalism to go with my appreciation of photography and current events. However, after taking a few communications and journalism classes in college I knew I wanted to do something different — something along the same lines, but where I was more active. So my advisor signed me up for several PR classes and I’ve loved it ever since.
After declaring my major and continuing classes, I decided to look to the future and see what sort of jobs a PR professional can have. It was then that I realized the vast field I had gotten myself into. I realized I can work for almost any company that wants to have its name out there. This got me thrilled and puzzled at the same time. Thrilled because of the opportunities I can have in the job market and puzzled because this got me thinking what I actually wanted to do in the field of PR. Currently I am leaning towards working in entertainment PR hopefully eventually becoming a publicist for a celebrity (like Shauna from Entourage), but so far my internships have been for lifestyle and now tech clients.
However, after my internships and currently working at Fusion, I realized that each variation of client will make you learn something new. Whether it is the tech clients we have here and the technology of antennas in smartphones or learning apps something new to learn is always around the corner at every PR firm. After realizing this, it got me more excited for the opportunities that wait in the vast PR world and what I will find myself doing and learning in the near future.
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