Overcoming Startup PR Challenges (O’Dwyer’s Piece)
Some may assume that those who work in technology PR have similar gigs – but the assignments can vary substantially.
First, almost every company is a tech company today, right? So just adding “technology” to PR does not shed much light. Job requirements for those pitching consumer tech products may be more like general CPG. Getting press coverage for enterprise tech vs. chips vs. telcos are all very different challenges.
The most important variables that can shape tech PR are brand strength and company stage/maturity. The PR playbook should be very different for startups vs. established and recognized companies.
That was the point I made in the article I wrote for O’Dwyer’s November Technology issue: PR Challenges for Tech Startups. It discusses how to overcome some of the challenges the young company faces, here’s an excerpt:
Startups… need to play offense. This means taking risks and being bold to fight for attention. New can mean newsworthy. Disruption, taking on the giants: these are appealing storylines. Plus, there’s an affinity for the entrepreneur and a natural rooting for the underdog.
The new ventures, the lesser-known competitors should launch communications aimed at the weaknesses of the leaders to get coverage. A tried and true tactic in technology is sowing FUD: fear, uncertainty and doubt.
In addition to taking more risks, startups can use their small size to advantage. For example, they can be nimbler when responding to news and marketplace developments. Big brands can be constrained by bureaucracy and disclosure regulations governing public companies.
From O’Dwyer’s PR
Please check out the full article on O’Dwyer’s, and feel free to comment and share.
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