New Social Media Release Option
By Bob Geller, SVP Fusion PR
Just thought I would update my December post Distributing your Social Media Release by noting that there is a new option to consider.
Just this week, Marketwire announced a Social Media 2.0 SMR service, you can read about it in an SMR (of all things) that they launched on the topic.
The release says “Social Media 2.0 advances today’s press release format, offers public relations professionals a multitude of content options, and distributes news in a variety of mediums to distribution channels beyond traditional media distribution networks. Social Media 2.0 offers increased social network visibility to a prospective audience of more than 200 million Internet users.”
The SearchEngineWatch blog has further analysis about the format, and the state of SMRs in general in the post: Does Social Media 2.0 Deserve a Second Life? (I am quoted here).
Also, I talk more about the topic in my post on Flack’s Revenge Give sm Release a Chance.
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