Nowhere else to go but UP
By Samantha Evans, Intern (@samevans24)
A real feel for the public relations field does not come along too often at the intern level. In fact, I experienced this first hand at my internship last year. I interned at a large corporation and was successfully smothered in busy work (filing mostly) all day for twelve weeks. After that experience, I knew that a smaller public relations firm was right for me. It is so refreshing to be spoken to and receive work and tasks like a real member of Fusion. The staff, the true public relations work, and the general atmosphere prove that Fusion PR is an exception to the many so-called PR internships out there.
Now, what is this true public relations work that I just mentioned? I am continuing to develop media and analyst lists as well as engage in extensive research regarding the wide array of Fusion’s clientele. I have also created numerous briefing documents. Going further, I even compiled an entire briefing book for the very first time. I also began my first PR monthly activity report for the month of June. It is so refreshing to no longer file all day but be able to complete tasks, like monthly reports and briefing books, which account executives do on a daily basis.
I can only count on one hand the amount of meetings I sat in on last summer. Thankfully, at Fusion, I take part in weekly team meetings and editorial sessions. At these meetings, each person talks about what they are currently working on, their goals, questions, and look to the other members of the team for input. I am able to give my input about anything and today I was even asked what I thought about a new pitch. If it was June 10, 2008, or this time last summer, I would never be able to think or dream about being looked to for an opinion. If I have already received all of these opportunities after only two weeks, I am excited to see where my internship here at Fusion takes me after 10!
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