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P is for Pitch

P is for Pitch

By Stephanie Tillman, Intern

Since I began my internship at Fusion Public Relations, I’ve heard more than my fair share of big glossy PR vocabulary words that I am still slowly trying to learn. One of these big, bad and scary words uttered to me the other day was one known as a “pitch.” It even looks scary! Pitching in particular is not something I have ever done before. It is finally time to put my basic knowledge of PR to the test and write one of my own. So here I am at the computer, clueless. So I figured, what better way to learn how to write a pitch, then to research what a pitch actually is and what makes one pitch catch someone’s eye over another (hopefully after this, I’ll be able to write one of my own).

From my research, I found what seems to me to be one of the most important pitching concepts. Find a new approach that will spark someone’s interest. People want to hear about what’s new and exciting. The truth: nobody wants to write an article about an ordinary boring event that happens on a weekly basis at “XYZ” company. The more you tactically plan what you want to be discussed, the easier it is for the people you are pitching to, to want to write articles that appeal to not only themselves, but to others.

Through reading a bunch of pitches that Fusion Public Relations has written to even pitches that I found on Google, they all seem to have one thing in common. Every pitch was concise and made me want to finish reading to see what exactly was being thrown at me. I wasn’t confused by big vocabulary and business or technological lingo, however the pitches made me want to do some research and write an article myself. If you’re confused by big words and bored out of your mind by what you’re writing, the people reading it will be as well.

When I start my pitch after this blog post I have two important concepts to remember. Through my pitch, I want to be able to give my readers something to talk about so journalists or whoever I write to in the future will want to write an article about what the company I’m representing has to say. I also need to stay away from the wordiness and the unimportant stuff. From my research and from what Fusion has taught me, pitching is all about getting you’re message across: short sweet and to the point. Wish me luck!

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