I want to be a part of it
By Allison Trombetta, Intern (@AllisonTrom41)
People come from all over the world to visit New York City. Tourists travel miles to shop, visit Broadway, and sight see for days. The city is the center of the universe for sports, fashion, and finance. New York has it all, making it the most famous city in the world. Among all the glitz and glam however are hard working human beings weaving through tourists just trying to get to work.
Being from Southern Connecticut and only and hour and fifteen minute train ride away, I have been a tourist in New York numerous times. It wasn’t until my summer internship where I have felt more like a New Yorker than ever. I get off the train everyday and walk the blocks with every other New Yorker trying to make it in the city that never sleeps.
Times Square is one of the most famous locations in the world. At any minute of the day the tourist attraction is overflowing with people. Midtown Manhattan has become my home for the summer and the place where I spend almost 40 hours a week working. I am thankful for the amazing opportunity to work in an area where many only dream about visiting.
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