Meet the Fusion PR Summer Interns!
These three soon-to-be PR pro’s are up for any and all challenges Fusion has thrown their way – media lists, briefing documents, monthly reports, spontaneous mid-afternoon treks in the New York city sun to help us find some freebie ice pops, you know, the usual stuff. They were even so proactive as to put together some great Q+A about themselves and their time with Fusion so far. We are very pleased to introduce you to our fabulous summer interns Laura, Rachael and Hannan!
Age: 21
Where and what are you studying? I am a senior at Susquehanna University in Selinsgrove, PA., majoring in Communications with an Emphasis in Public Relations.
What is your favorite part about NYC? Bryant Park! (Especially laying on the lawn in the summer and ice skating in the winter) I also love the fact that there is ALWAYS something to do in the city and every block offers a completely different experience.
How did you find your passion for Public Relations? I’ve always had a passion for writing and I’m extremely organized, and detail oriented. I also enjoy meeting new people and I’m results oriented. It’s a great feeling when I see my hard work pay off with a client, or an event.
What is your most proud PR moment? Last year I worked for a Non-Profit Organization founded by a major league baseball player. I had the opportunity to attend press conferences with some of the players and I helped plan a major event at the end of the summer. It was exciting to be a part of a great organization that supports a great cause.
What is your favorite part about interning at Fusion PR thus far? I love that Fusion is like a family and everyone is willing to pitch in and help each other out. Since I’ve started I’ve felt nothing but welcomed by the staff. Another thing that makes Fusion unique is their PR strategy. I love that through Fusion I have the opportunity to gain experience in many areas such as traditional PR, social media and event management.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Living in New York, working in Public Relations.
Age: 20
Where and what are you studying? New York University, Major: Media, Culture and Communication Minor: Business of Entertainment, Media and Technology
What is your favorite part about NYC? I love that it is impossible to say “I’m Bored” in New York City. There is always a museum exhibit to check out, a free concert going on, or a new restaurant opening. I also love the energy of the sidewalks during rush hour. Although they are uncomfortably busy and it is inevitable that you will get knocked by a briefcase or shoved by a shoulder, there is a motivating and exciting energy about rush hour in the city that is unmatched anywhere else in the world.
How did you find your passion for Public Relations? I have always loved to write and for a while wanted to be a journalist. When I was 7, I even started my own neighborhood newspaper, ‘The Good News News’, which featured only positive and uplifting stories. A few years ago, I discovered the ‘world of PR’ and fell in love with the creative and innovative nature of the field. Working in Public Relations I still get to write, while constantly brainstorming unique ways to share the story of different companies and organizations with people all around the globe.
What is your proudest PR moment? My proudest PR moment was when I organized and promoted 11 Burberry Festive Events across North and South America. It was incredible to see how much I was able to accomplish with modern technology just from my desk in NYC.
What is your favorite part about interning at Fusion PR thus far? I enjoy that every day at Fusion PR is a different experience. For example, some days I come in and work on a briefing for a client, while other days I get to work on a media list for a tradeshow. I also love working with the Fusion PR staff and appreciate how much they involve the interns in the office environment.
Where do you think you will be in 10 years?I hope to be living in NYC, working in the PR industry with long work weeks and pressing deadlines, and still be enjoying every minute of it. I also hope to continue singing and playing the piano.
Age: 22 (almost 23!)
Where and what are you studying? I am a French student from Paris. I am enrolled in a Master degree; I study Management and Marketing of Creative Industries at ISC Paris Business School.
What is your favorite part about NYC? EVERYTHING! NYC is so much different from Paris. The thing I like the most here is definitely how open-minded people are.
How did you find your passion for Public Relations? I am the kind of person who likes learning about new things I don’t know yet and PR is one of these. My major being marketing, I wanted to have an experience and know better about PR since these are related.
What is your most proud PR moment? I am a newbie concerning PR, this is my first experience ever in this field. But how I found my internship at Fusion is probably my most proud moment. Indeed, it took me a tweet, few retweets to made contact with Bob Geller. After few emails and a phone call, I got the position!
What is your favorite part about interning at Fusion PR thus far? Probably the fact that here, communication is key. Whether you have a problem/concern or have actually new ideas to submit, know that someone will listen to you carefully.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Not in France…! I love my country, especially Paris but since I am interning abroad, I discovered a hunger of traveling and working outside France. Actually, I am already thinking about my next destination after I graduate: Canada or Dubai? Will see… 😉
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