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Crowdsourcing Advice on PR Dashboards

A client asked recently for our recommendations in PR dashboards. We are techies here at Fusion PR, and generally pretty smart about PR and marketing tech. So I thought this would be easy. But, as I learned, the tools that I was familiar with did

Huffington Goes Viral with Data Science – You can Too

Cross posted on Hack the Feed My recent posts have explored how publishers are working with social platforms to expand audience and adapt story telling formats (see Publishers & Platforms In a Relationship, and Platforms as Publishers: 6 Key Takeaways for Brands). They reported the experiences

HBR Covers the Death of a B2B Salesman – and Media Relations

My friend Neal Schaffer shared an interesting Harvard Business Review article, How More Accessible information is Forcing B2B Sales to Adapt. The story questioned the role and relevancy of the B2B sales team in a digital world. There were also some great takeaways for marketing (it's