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"I'm Not Dead Yet"

By, Chris Michaels, Sr. Account Manager, Fusion LA (@chrisamichaels) Living in LA, I’m constantly bombarded with the obsessive need for instant contact with the rest of the world. Everyone must have a smartphone or some form of social media on their person, and if you don’t,


By: Justin Finnegan, Senior Account Manager, Fusion PR (@justinfinnegan)Joel Johnson at Boing Boing Gadgets, posted a first-person look at the divide of online vs. print at Wired. Johnson was one of the architects of WIRED's current blog program, which at times saw its lead bloggers

Is Today's Print Media On the Wrong Track??

By, Justin Finnegan, Senior Account Executive, Fusion PRand Chris Michaels, Senior Account Manager, Fusion PRIn this week’s issue of The New Yorker, James Surowiecki has a very interesting piece on the failures of the newspaper industry to remain relevant in an increasingly electronic world. What really