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Four Big Ideas that Can Transform Your PR

They huddle around a conference room table. The lights go dark. The 35 mm slide projector floods the screen. It's backlight shines an eerie glow on the presenter's lower face. This is not just some an ad man (or woman). It's the sermon from the

Building Bridges to Media and the World in Jerusalem

I traveled throughout Israel over the past 10 days and visited many parts of the beautiful country. Each place was more awe-inspiring than the last. But Jerusalem really stood out, for its history, mix of cultures and religions, and sheer beauty. The Old City must be

Startup PR Myths Busted, via NY Tech Meetup

The NY Tech Meetup mail list is a great way to keep up with the local tech community and make connections. Every day founders, developers, service providers, journalists and VCs hold forth on a range of tech and entrepreneurship topics. It’s a noisy list, and the

How NOT to pitch TechCrunch your ICO

I attended the ICORating Investment Summit in New York last week.  It was a day of great sessions and panels featuring journalists, investors and those behind successful ICOs. One session I was especially interested in was John Biggs' talk on marketing. He is a veteran tech

Pitch about Nothing, Post about Something

I came to PR in a roundabout way, via engineering, marketing, sales and IT consulting. When I finally landed in PR (at the agency where I still work today), I learned I was good at this. But key experiences along the way led me to wonder

Lin Pophal on the Changing Field of PR

I've known Lin Pophal for years through her work as a writer for eContent, HR Executive, and others; have pitched her client stories and my own thought leadership topics (I'm in her eContent story on content curation tools). Earlier this year, Lin posted a Profnet about

See You at Social Tools Summit Next Week

I am very much looking forward to Social Tools Summit (#SocialTools17) in Boston next Wednesday, where I will be moderating a panel on branding and thought leadership. It is the third time I am participating, and am thrilled that Neal Schaffer and Brian Mahony invited me back

Will Ad Tech Stumbles Drive More Budget to PR?

PR has always been the red-headed step child in the marketing mix, getting less attention, glamour and budget than advertising. But recent challenges may drive more brands to shift some ad spending to PR. Perhaps it’s already happening. A number of major ad agencies predicted slowdowns

Jennifer Johnson Schools on PR and Positioning at NYETM

I attended and really enjoyed last week's NY Enterprise Tech Meetup, which focused on marketing. Jennifer Johnson, the keynote speaker, was a real dynamo. Her bio on the NYETM agenda said: Jennifer is CMO of Tenable,  was formerly CMO of Tanium, a Partner at a16z,