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Public Relations

How Much is that Puff Piece in the Window?

My post What to Do When PR Hits a Paywall covered the growing number of ways PR folks get hit up for fees when working the media.  That post was seven years ago. I am writing again because the issue remains very relevant. In fact,

It’s Not Just “Over There”

Jordan Chanofsky, CEO In these difficult times, we want to express our horror over the atrocities Hamas unleashed on Israel and express our hopes to see a time of lasting peace and prosperity as quickly as possible. The war in the Middle East affects every one of

How does a Hack Differ from other PR Crises?

Fusion PR works extensively in the cyber security space.  We are often asked about how to handle the PR fallout from breaches. What are the similarities and differences with other kinds of crisis management? I decided to answer these questions in this post, with input from our

Cheap Trick: Great Band, Lousy B2B Growth Strategy

It's tough to launch and grow a successful business, and tempting to look for shortcuts. And why not? We've all heard about the magical growth hacks; the campaigns that went viral, the PR home runs that crashed servers and exploded phones. So, when B2BNXT said they wanted

Four Big Ideas that Can Transform Your PR

They huddle around a conference room table. The lights go dark. The 35 mm slide projector floods the screen. It's backlight shines an eerie glow on the presenter's lower face. This is not just some an ad man (or woman). It's the sermon from the

Lin Pophal on the Changing Field of PR

I've known Lin Pophal for years through her work as a writer for eContent, HR Executive, and others; have pitched her client stories and my own thought leadership topics (I'm in her eContent story on content curation tools). Earlier this year, Lin posted a Profnet about

Will Ad Tech Stumbles Drive More Budget to PR?

PR has always been the red-headed step child in the marketing mix, getting less attention, glamour and budget than advertising. But recent challenges may drive more brands to shift some ad spending to PR. Perhaps it’s already happening. A number of major ad agencies predicted slowdowns