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Defining PR: Top Tips, AI Tools and Takeaways

I enjoyed participating in the Defining PR roundtable on Twitter Spaces recently, which was organized and led by Stephen Karaolis, founder of Pear The Agency and AI startup PR Labs (more on this below). It was a great panel and very lively conversation about the changes

Talking Heads cover Branding

First posted on Flack's Revenge I love the band Talking Heads, and saw them for first time in college many years ago. Back then, I thought they had a cool name - but only found out that it refers to the disembodied heads of yakking

He fired me and Launched my Career in Tech PR

People sometimes wonder how I started out in engineering and wound up in PR.  Something that happened recently really made an impression and brought my career journey full circle, 35 years later.  Read on to learn more, and I hope you enjoy the story! Geeking out

Webinar: Scoring Great PR for you Blockchain Venture

You Don't Need a CMO invited us to host a seminar earlier this month about PR tips for blockchain initiatives. The recorded session, called Thinking Out of the Block ran on YouTube and is also share above in this post. Chris Nicholas of the

The Art of Communication

My friend Cecilia invited me to an exhibit of artist Norman Magnusson’s work. I don’t know a lot about art despite being engaged to a wonderful artist, Sine Hjort.  But Cecilia would not steer me wrong, and she raves about Norm and his work.  Plus,

Thinking Outside the Block

Looking to launch or grow a blockchain venture?  What are the secrets to success? It’s a noisy world and a never-ending battle for the consumer’s attention.  If the average user is slammed with info and updates, just think about journalists!  They’re an especially tough crowd to

See You at Social Tools Summit Next Week

I am very much looking forward to Social Tools Summit (#SocialTools17) in Boston next Wednesday, where I will be moderating a panel on branding and thought leadership. It is the third time I am participating, and am thrilled that Neal Schaffer and Brian Mahony invited me back

Your Greatest Foe on Social Media – How to Fight Back

Who's your biggest foe on social media?  Does company A have a bigger social footprint? Is competitor B getting more engagement and sharing? Actually, if you are in B2B tech marketing, your biggest competitor is not any single company.  To truly understand who's beating you out,

Hot Startups Join Axis Innovation at NYSE

I enjoyed last year's Axis Innovation NYSE event, which showcased hot Israeli startups and also included a visit to the floor at the opening bell (you can read more about it here). So when Axis CEO Ed Frank invited me back, I quickly said yes,

News, PR and lies, Damned lies.

I attended a meeting of the NY Internet Society that featured a panel of media experts, journalists, and a lawyer. They discussed the problem that has come to be called “Fake News." You can read about the session and see a YouTube video of the