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Author: Bob Geller

Episode 2: “Playing Bigger,” with Kevin Maney

On Episode 2 Kevin Maney, co-founder of strategy consulting firm Category Design Advisors, joins me to discuss how tech companies can achieve market leadership. It's a noisy and competitive word in technology. How to stand apart? It gets down to creating and owning a category. Kevin will offer

Rumors of Tech PR’s Demise are Greatly Exaggerated

Many wish to continue to write off public relations and kick it to the curb - by coldly saying that the profession and/or its trappings are dead. First it was gripes about the press release, and in the latest example, a report that tech PR is

New Podcast: PR, Done and Doner!

We are proud to introduce PR: Done and Doner, a podcast that equips tech PR and marketing pros with the info needed to get the best possible results. It is not just about mastering the changing world of earned media, although that is key part (and

From “Secret Sauce” to Market Leadership

Here is the third installment in my series about maximizing "secret sauce" in tech marketing. In the first post, I explored the meaning and history of the term, and shared examples. In the next one, I outlined steps to turn your core IP

From Secret Sauce to PR Confection in 4 Steps

In my last post I explained the history and significance of secret sauce, or IP, in tech marketing. I also laid out the challenges of getting PR mileage from your core tech. To summarize, "secret sauce" underpins a solution or component.  This almost magical ingredient has given

Robin Schaffer on Maximizing Analyst Relations

It was a while since I last checked in with Robin Schaffer, when I saw on LinkedIn that she'd just published a book: Analysts on Analyst Relations. We know Robin from our work on former client NICE Systems. She managed analyst relations there,

Secret Sauce: What it is, and How to Apply for Best PR Results

It can go by various names.  IP (short for intellectual property). Or proprietary tech. Or keys to the kingdom.   I like "secret sauce".   Most who work in IT understand that this refers to the magical ingredient that sets a technology or solution apart. If "communications" or “PR” are in

Tesla PR Crash & Burn

Pixabay The EV blog  Electrek broke the news last week that Tesla is dissolving its PR department.  Editor-in-chief  Fred Lambert's story covered journalists' growing frustrations with the comms team leading up to its shutdown. He wrote: Electrek can confirm that Tesla has dissolved its PR department — technically becoming

Breaking Down PR’s Fourth Wall with ABM

The fourth wall is a figurative one at the foot of a stage (the other three walls shape the room of the set).  Actors breach this wall when they talk to the audience.  Similarly, PR is being challenged to break through mass communications and take

Talking Heads cover Branding

First posted on Flack's Revenge I love the band Talking Heads, and saw them for first time in college many years ago. Back then, I thought they had a cool name - but only found out that it refers to the disembodied heads of yakking