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Is the next buzzworthy social media platform right for my client?

Annie Pham My career in social media has spanned from programming artist MySpace profiles, explaining “tweets” to puzzled clients, introducing Facebook pages to brands, to testing Google+ Hangouts for colleagues. This rapid influx of buzzworthy social media sites can be overwhelming to everyone, especially to our

PR, a little bit of history…

By Carole Bersillon, Intern In some of my former blog posts, I was wondering about the future of PR: how to improve crisis communication, how to use data provided by social media, what trends are driving us. An infography focusing on PR history released by Press

Social Media’s Powerful Voice

By Amanda Pecora, Intern For the past few weeks I have been writing blogs on social media and how it impacts many industries. I stressed how companies can benefit from using platforms like Twitter and Facebook in order to build strong connections with consumers and businesses

The Beauty and the Beast of Social Media

By Carole Bersillon, Intern A high-school teacher always repeated to me, “everything has a downside.” Social Media platforms are unanimously praised, studied and considered as the new means for social interaction and conversation. But sometimes social media can be wrong and appear as trivial and superficial.

Twitter, Facebook and Big Data

By Carole Bersillon, Intern   At school, I was never a fan of math and analytics. I must also admit I am sometimes apprehensive about using social media, for fear of being consumed and for my personal tendency to denigrate digital trends or “over networking”. However, I