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Author: Fusion Staff

Are There Any Jobs Left?

By Connie Hoi, Intern As a senior in college, I’m starting to wonder if there are any jobs left. Competition is tough with more and more graduates and less job opportunities made available. Many people choose to sit at home and apply for hundreds of jobs

LinkedIn as the New Resume

By Connie Hoi, Intern As everyone is on a continuous search for jobs and internships in the market, a new tool many recruiters are using is  LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site that allows users to connect with others through their professional connections. When

Advertising Taking over Social Media

By Connie Hoi, Intern Advertisers are one of the biggest hunters for new locations for placing ads. They usually go for placements where people can see and admire their products. Traditional methods like billboards and reading material have become sparse because of minimal space and the

The New York City Intern Life

By Katie Harty, Intern Thousands of college kids flock to the big city for the summer to get a chance to play a part of the corporate world by being an intern.  Twenty-something-year olds come from all over the world and file into vacant dorm rooms,

Does Pinterest have PR Potential?

By Stephanie Coccaro, Intern As a 20-year-old college student I have, without a doubt, become a victim of the Pinterest addiction. If you are unsure what I mean by addiction, just take a quick peruse around the website. Before you know it, three hours have passed,

Debunking Misconceptions about Tech PR

By Alison Lee, Intern Technology. What does the word entail? Its definition? How broad of an umbrella term is it? I could probably write ten blog posts trying to answer such questions and still not cover half of it. So if technology can’t be defined, how

PR Re-Defined by Richard Edelman

By Alison Lee, Intern Let’s be honest, most of society perceives public relations in a negative light. Workers in the industry are perceived as manipulators and disingenuous, according to a U.K. newspaper a few years back.[1] But those of us in the industry (or aspiring to

The Power of the Hashtag: Facebook Edition

by Alison Lee, Intern   With the official indictment of the word “tweet” into the Oxford Dictionary (as a verb and noun), it’s only proper to acknowledge the other leaps and bounds social media is taking; the most recent being Facebook’s incorporation of the hashtag. Up until