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Spotlight on Allie Tedone

Spotlight on Allie Tedone By: Laura Baumann, Intern This week my blog post is dedicated to Allie Tedone, one of Fusion’s social media gurus. A member of the Fusion family since January, Allie is currently working as an assistant account executive and a member of the social media

Lady Gaga: Queen of Pop or Queen of Social Media?

By Hannan Ben Slimane, Intern Allow me to introduce you to the 26-year-old New Yorker known worldwide for her controversy and her talent to generate buzz (but most importantly for being a pop star), Lady Gaga. Today, a lot of artists use social media such as Twitter

Facebook’s Fall from Grace

By Rachael Barthelmes, Intern Privacy has always been one of Facebook’s largest issues, and most recently Facebook’s ‘Sponsored Stories’ feature has spawned a nasty and expensive lawsuit. ‘Sponsored Stories,’ described by Mark Zuckerberg as the ‘Holy Grail’ of advertising, is a feature that transmits users’ interactions

Q & A with Bob Geller

By Hannan Ben Slimane, Intern To get to know a bit more about our staff here at Fusion, I decided to interview Bob Geller for my weekly blog. If you don’t know, Bob is the Executive Vice President at Fusion PR and one of the pioneers

Teens’ Technology Addiction Has Its Benefits

By Rachael Barthelmes, Intern Over the past few years teens have been heavily critiqued for their excessive use of the internet and phone. Undoubtedly, the internet and phone have a huge presence in our day-to-day lives, but the effects of using these technologies are not always

Join the Tippexperience!

By Hannan Ben Slimane, Intern For my blog this week, I want you to be entertained but still talk about social media and how the Internet can be effective in our job. This semester for my advertising class, I had to choose a buzz campaign to

How to Facilitate Your Job Search with Social Media

By Hannan Ben Slimane, Intern Social media is not only useful for having a sense of community with clients and engaging in discussions. Today, more and more people can build any kind of network, have contacts and even find jobs via social media.  In this article,

How does social media differ from B2B to B2C?

By Hannan Ben Slimane, Intern Today, small as well as big brands use social media to interact with their customers. I am not going to talk about how brands enhance their clients via Twitter or Facebook, as this has already been told many times now. I’d

Social media is already passé in Silicon Valley

By Carole Bersillon, Intern Nowadays it is an obvious fact that social media cannot be ignored by PR professionals. Agencies have to build their digital presence to demonstrate their ability to manage online branding, online influence or their capacity to be there where it is trendy.